College of Science Research Symposium
April 25, 2025 - 12:00-1:30 p.m.
University Quad - in front of Bldg. 8

Please be sure to read the information below before submitting your work.
Who can participate in the Research Symposium?
Undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Science are encouraged to submit abstracts and posters. Projects can be at any stage, from preliminary to completed senior projects or master's theses/projects. Faculty, please encourage your students to submit an abstract and plan to attend this event celebrating student research.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
- Don't download a random logo for your poster. Please note that there is only one CPP logo. Please download the new CPP Logo in stacked or primary version for use on your poster.
- If you already have a poster that is suitable for presentation and is 41x41" or less, do not make a new one.
- If you need to print a poster, the dimensions must be set to 41 inches wide by 41 inches tall. Yes, that is a hard limit. Any size larger will not be accepted.
- Text, graphs, charts, pictures, graphics should have a minimum 0.5 inch margin on all sides of the poster.
- It is recommended that you use the PowerPoint poster template provided.
- PowerPoint files should be saved to a pdf format and be submitted online no later than midnight, April 13. If you don't need poster printing you may submit your abstract up until midnight, April 18 but still need to fill out the submission form, and upload your advisor's approval email. Specify on the submission form "No printing needed."
- Your poster, including graphs, legends, introductory and concluding material, will be viewed from a distance of 3 feet or more. To be readable, the smallest lettering should be at least 6 mm high (18 point). Titles should be at least 1" (72 point).
- Your poster should be self-explanatory so that you are free to discuss and answer questions from your colleagues. Keep the presentation as simple as possible, with minimal text. The figures, tables and summary should cover about 50% of the poster area.
- Arrange your poster in columns rather than in rows. It is easier for viewers to scan a poster by moving up and down as they are walking along its length rather than zigzagging back and forth in front of it. The sequence of illustrations should be indicated with numbers at least 2 cm high, preferably in bold print. Remember that illustrations may be viewed from a distance.
- Each figure or table should have a heading of one or two lines in large type (8 mm) that provides a brief (one or two lines) descriptive message or conclusion. More detailed information should be provided in a legend in smaller type below the figure. The legend should contain commentary that would ordinarily appear in the body of the manuscript.
- Prepare a draft of the poster and obtain input from colleagues before submitting your work to help make a well-organized, informative, and effective poster.
Your accepted submission registers you for the event. If your information is incomplete, or there is a problem with your submission you will receive an email and be asked to provide what is needed.
2025 Science Research Symposium Submission Form
2024 Science Research Symposium - Program
2023 Science Research Symposium - Program
2022 Science Research Symposium - Program
2019 Science Research Symposium - Program
2018 Science Research Symposium - Program
Two graduate students from the College of Science who participated in the RSCA Conference were selected to represent the college at the CSU Student Research Competition. One of those students, Justin Cortez, chemistry and biochemistry, won first place in the Physical and Mathematical Sciences category. You can see his presentation on this page: Graduate Students Brenda Ramirez, and Justin Cortez will Represent CPP at the CSU Student Research Competition